Dekuple China’s BCP Marketing Pathway, an innovative approach to B2B digital marketing. Grasp here the basics about our unique methodology. To see how we analyze trends and activate them for a global leader from the Electrical Equipment market, and to understand how from 4 trends we build 11 business growth recommendations, you can download our full paper below.
A personalized, data-driven solutions strategy for B2B digital marketing in China
The BCP Marketing Pathway, a transformative approach encompassing three core strategies:
- Building Higher “Walls,”
- Collecting More “Grains,”
- and Pushing “Private” Pool.
“Collecting More Grains” centers on consistently generating quality content that acts as a magnet, attracting potential customers and reinforcing brand recognition. By strategically deploying valuable content, businesses can entice potential clients to share vital information, transitioning them from a public sphere to a more private, personalized domain.
The final strategy, “Pushing Private Pool,” focuses on cultivating long-term relationships and providing personalized services. It’s about converting your audience streams into a dedicated pool of clients, creating a sense of exclusivity within this private domain.
What sets the BCP Marketing Pathway apart is its dynamic and flexible nature. Unlike traditional B2B digital marketing strategies, our approach is tailored to address the unique challenges of the digital marketing landscape.
Dekuple China’s Digital Footprint analysis applied to Electrical Equipment market
The starting point of our BCP framework is a Digital Footprint (DFP), an all-encompassing tool for data collection and analysis. The DFP thoroughly examines an entity’s digital activities view from the eyes of a prospect through the full customer journey, providing a detailed audit filled with valuable insights into their digital presence.
In our full paper, we present a comprehensive case study. You will see our BCP Marketing Pathway and DFP methodology in action, evaluating and optimizing an organization’s digital presence. The case study provides detailed insights into Schneider Electric China’s digital strategy, demonstrating their digital activities on main channels and analyzing their content marketing strategy comprehensively.
Dekupe’s China BCP framework introduction and Schneider Electric China case study download
If you are interested, you can download it here.
Our dedication to customization and data-driven methodology has made us a preferred choice for more than 80 multinational clients.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to explore the potential of the BCP Marketing Pathway. We look forward to pushing boundaries and reshaping the rules of digital marketing together!