

Our personalised, results-focused approach, essential in today’s competitive business landscape, is the backbone of our expertise in customer activation. Understanding and effectively engaging your customers is not only beneficial, it is crucial to the growth and sustainability of your business. We offer tailored strategies, innovative tools and dedicated support to turn every customer touchpoint into an opportunity.


Dékuple boosts in-store sales and engagement with point-of-sale triggers that combine brand strategy and innovative communication to deliver memorable experiences and enhanced consumer interaction.
  • In-store brand experience to bolster your advertising campaign
  • Improve traffic and sales
  • Create strong activation concepts that are consistent with the brand
  • A simple, fun experience for collecting consumer data
  • Support at every stage of the campaign, from design to execution and analysis of results


We develop customised strategies to increase your visibility and engage your audience with creative content, while forming partnerships with key influencers to extend your reach and credibility, ensuring dynamic management and optimised ROI.
  • Development of tailored strategies to boost visibility and engagement
  • Innovative, interactive content to target prospects effectively
  • Support in managing campaigns, analysing performance and making ongoing adjustments
  • Strategic partnerships with key influencers to broaden your audience and strengthen your brand's credibility


We use content strategy as a key tool to help you stand out, creating content that engages and drives growth, aligned with market dynamics and the needs of your audience for a strong brand and tangible ROI.
  • Content strategy used as a lever for differentiation
  • Content created to resonate with audiences and thus drive engagement and sales
  • Tailor-made content campaigns aligning business objectives and audience expectations
  • Opinion leaders identified and activated
  • All channels integrated into one activation plan


We can help you create loyalty and reward programmes to boost purchases and visits to points of sale, from design to technical and logistical implementation. By building relationships with your customers, you can collect customer data, build loyalty, generate engagement and increase conversions at every stage of the customer lifecycle.
  • Customer loyalty generated with a reward solution that depends on the context, the target and the customer's budget
  • Data collected from prospects and customers, in full compliance with GDPR
  • Customer relations strengthened during your brand's high points.
  • Customised to your targets
  • A performance-driven approach: performance modelling, benchmarking, continuous optimisation


Strengthen your consumers’ connection and emotional attachment to your brand by activating all the levers of operational marketing. We combine expertise in brand strategy and creation with operational mastery of marketing channels and performance measurement to create a complete marketing activation package.