
Our expert training courses on Intelligence

The Dékuple Group, whose diverse skills are based on creativity, data and technology, is at the heart of IAG applications. Discover our specialised training courses aimed at raising awareness and training management committees, executives and their managers in the crucial issues of Generative Artificial Intelligence. These training courses are delivered via our three entities: Brainsonic, Converteo and the Dékuple Agency, Dékuple Ingénierie Marketing B2B, each offering a unique and complementary approach covering a broad spectrum of knowledge and use cases.


Master the IAG and explore its challenges

The training courses provided by the various entities of the Dékuple Group cover a broad spectrum of knowledge and applications that managers need to fully grasp the challenges of the IAG:

Acculturation :

- Definition of key concepts, state of the art
- Legal, economic and ethical issues
- Technical issues: the strengths and limitations of AGI

Experimentation :

- Getting to grips with IAG
- Case studies
o Implementation of PoC (Proof of Concept) and prototyping of IAG use cases applied to Data with Converteo;
o Experience of accelerated content and visual creation using the IAG for marketing and communications players with Brainsonic and Agence Dékuple.
- Integration of the IAG into its organisation, whether on marketing and communication issues or on data issues.

Anticipation :

- Reflection on the impact of these technologies on organisations / on your organisation
- Future developments in IAG


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    Brainsonic offers you, through two training session formats "AI Journey" and "AI Deepdive", a complete range of conferences and training courses to help you understand, master and exploit these technologies today. Our experts, who use generative AI on a daily basis, will be sharing their expertise.

    Find out more
  • Key points covered

    – Start from the basics and understand how generative technologies work.
    – Explore the current possibilities offered by generative AI (languages, images, 3D, videos, NeRF, sound and voice).
    – Study real-life cases of brands using AI for their marketing and communication projects.
    – Dive into the legal and ethical issues and the societal impacts to be anticipated.
    – Explore the implications of these technologies for organisations.

Get training with Converteo, the pure player consultancy specialising in the impact of these technologies on organisations.

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    Converteo's offer is based around 3 types of data-oriented support, to understand the use of IAG, to experiment through PoCs and prototyping of use cases and finally, to integrate IAG into your data ecosystems.
  • Key points covered

    – Evangelising the prioritisation of IAG use cases
    – Understanding the combination of IAG and data
    – PoC and prototyping of IAG use cases
    – Integrating IAG into data ecosystems

Train with Agence Dékuple and its Brand + Marketing Performance approach

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    Revolution or passing trend? Agence Dékuple deciphers the use of AI and its impact on the business world. Learn how to tame the beast through case studies to understand the mechanics, power and limits of AI so you can use it more effectively.

    Find out more
  • Key points covered

    – Definition of key concepts and state of the art of generative AI.
    – Find out more about the different types of AI.
    – Revolution or passing trend?
    – What mistakes should be avoided?
    – Find out about the possible uses using real-life case studies.
    – Find out more about the limits of framing.


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    3 B2B training courses to help you understand why and how generative AI is changing your day-to-day business, moving from theory to practice, with practical case studies to encourage adoption within your teams, boost your content strategy and production and anticipate the impact of AI on SEO.
  • Key points covered

    – Introduction to AI: Why is AI crucial in B2B marketing?
    – IAG: back to basics
    – Content x AI: myths and realities
    – What impact will AI have on SEO?
    – Applications of AI in B2B marketing campaigns
    – Unleashing the power of AI: concrete applications for B2B
    – What will the future of AI-powered marketing look like?

Our experts in Generative Artificial Intelligence

  • Mathieu Crucq

    Managing Director of Brainsonic
  • Thomas Zavrosa

    Associate Director in charge of strategic planning at Agence Dékuple
  • Charles Letaillieur

    Lead AI & Senior manager at Converteo
  • Léa Venturini

    Head of Digital Performance Marketing, Dékuple Ingénierie Marketing B2B