
With a 9.1% increase in sales, DÉKUPLE reports solid growth and accelerates its accelerates its expansion in Europe

In 2024, the DÉKUPLE Group, the European leader in communication and data marketing, achieved an annual turnover of 217.8 million euros, an increase of 9.1%. This dynamic is driven by the sustained growth of its digital marketing activities, whose gross margin increased by 15.8% compared to 2023. This growth is accompanied by the strengthening of the Group’s development in Europe.

Bertrand Laurioz, Chairman and CEO, said: “In 2024, the DÉKUPLE Group confirms the solidity of its model with a 9.1% increase in its turnover, in line with our Ambition 2025 plan to become a benchmark player in communication and data marketing in Europe. We are continuing to grow, while demonstrating the resilience of our business mix in a more constrained economic environment.

Our Digital Marketing activities, which now represent 65.6% of our consolidated turnover (compared with 36.5% four years ago), are continuing their growth momentum with a gross margin up by 15.8%. This performance is based on the steady growth of our consulting activities, the development of our marketing agencies and solutions, the international expansion of our expertise and the integration of numerous new areas of know-how. These include Le Nouveau Bélier, an agency specializing in retail advertising strategy, Ereferer, an automated netlinking platform, GUD.Berlin, a German communications agency, and Coup de Poing, an agency specializing in BtoB customer loyalty.

This momentum in our BtoB activities has made it possible to compensate for the slowdown in our BtoC activities, which, despite a difficult consumer environment, are continuing to invest in the acquisition of repeat customers. In a declining press market, our Magazines activity is holding up with a decline in its gross margin limited to -6.7%, while our Insurance activity continues to perform well thanks to our innovative marketing approach in complementary health insurance.

In 2025, we are stepping up the pace in Digital Marketing, broadening our skills, exploiting synergies and strengthening our expertise in Artificial Intelligence, a strategic focus developed over more than two years. Through the continuous training of our employees and the development of our AI Factories, we are now establishing ourselves as a key player in the digital transformation of brands.

The beginning of the year was also marked by the simultaneous acquisition of the creative agency Selmore and the digital agency DotControl in the Netherlands, strengthening our international presence and enriching our portfolio of expertise and solutions to meet the needs of our customers.

With our strong financial resources, we remain on the lookout for new opportunities for external growth in France and Europe in complementary areas with high potential.

Our multi-entrepreneurial organization, combined with the talent of our more than 1,000 engineers, consultants and marketing experts, puts us in an excellent position to continue our growth in 2025.”

Key figures for the 2024 business year

In 2024, the DÉKUPLE Group achieved a consolidated turnover[1] of €217.8 million, an increase of 9.1% compared to 2023. The Group’s gross margin[2] stood at €169.0 million, an increase of 4.8%.

The detailed financial press release is available on the DÉKUPLE website:




[1] Turnover (which is determined on the basis of the French status of press agent for subscription sales) only takes into account the amount of remuneration paid by press publishers; in the case of subscription sales, turnover therefore corresponds in reality to a gross margin, since it deducts the cost of magazines sold from the amount of sales received. For acquisition and management commissions relating to the sale of insurance contracts, the turnover includes commissions issued and to be issued, acquired at the closing date of the accounts, net of cancellations.

[2] With regard to digital marketing activities, the gross margin represents total revenue (total invoices issued: fees, commissions and purchases rebilled to customers) minus all external purchase costs incurred on behalf of customers. It is equal to revenue for magazines and insurance activities.